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MONOKOTE®, fireproofing backed by a global reputation, is a life-safety product designed to reduce the rate of temperature rise in steel or concrete in the event of a fire. This prolongs the structural integrity of the elements, which allows more people to leave a building in an emergency situation, and gives first responders time to save the building.


MONOKOTE® MK-6 HY is single component, spray applied, mill-mixed fire resistive plaster. MK-6 HY has approval for use on structural steel members and fluted decking to provide up to four hours of fire protection, and on flat plate cellular decking for up to three hours with SPATTERKOTE® SK-3.


   * Proven in-place performance
   * Low in-place cost
   * Fast, efficient application
   * UL fire tested and factory inspected



MONOKOTE® Z-106/HY® is Portland cement based cementitious fireproofing designed to meet specific commercial and industrial fire protection requirements on structural steel members, floor/ceiling and roof/ceiling assemblies.


   * Durability
   * Moisture resistant
   * Quick set
   * Applicator friendly



MONOKOTE® Z-146 high density cementitious fireproofing has been developed by GCP Applied Technologies to meet specialty, commercial and industrial fireproofing requirements.


   * Factory pre-mixed
   * Non-toxic
   * Attractive finishes
   * Interior or exterior locations
   * Exposed conditions subject to impact or continual moisture


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Firestops prevent unprotected horizontal and vertical penetrations in a fire resistance rated wall or floor assembly from creating a route by which fire and smoke can spread that would otherwise have been fire resisting construction, e.g. where a pipe passes through a firewall

Fire stopping is also to seal around gaps between fire resisting constructions, e.g. the linear gap between a wall and the floor above, in order for construction to form a complete barrier to fire and smoke spread.

Firestop is used in the following applications:


   * Electrical, mechanical, and structural penetrations
   * Unpenetrated openings (such as openings for future use)
   * Re-entries of existing firestops
   * control or sway joints in fire-resistance-rated wall or floor assemblies
   * Junctions between fire-resistance-rated wall or floor assemblies
   * Head-of-wall (HOW) joints, where non-load-bearing wall assemblies meet floor

It is critical that the compartmentalization of a structure -- created by the use of fire rated floor, wall and ceiling assemblies -- be maintained in order to reduce the severity of a fire and the passage of developing smoke and gases to ensure safety to both life and property. When penetrations are created for building services, within a fire rated floor, wall or roof assembly it becomes critical to seal these penetrations to a rating equivalent to the fire resistance rating of the assembly. This design approach will assist in confining a fire to its origin, thereby giving the building's suppression system of firefighters a better chance to control it before the entire structure becomes involved.


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The basic requirement for a Smoke Partition is that the wall assembly must form a continuous seal and the space around penetrating items and in any joints or penetrations shall be filled with an approved material to limit the free passage of smoke. These walls are only rated for smoke and are NOT fire rated and these walls may also need to meet code requirements for Sound Transmission Class (STC). 


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Intumescent coatings are what we refer to as “Reactive Paints”. When the paint is subjected to heat it will react. In the case of an intumescent paint, when subjected to temperatures exceeding 120°C the paint will intumesce (swell up to 50 times the thickness of the paint) and form a carbon layer (Char) which, thermally insulates the material for a given period of time: 30, 60, 90 or 120 minutes.

Hilti Fire Finish 120+ CFP-SP WB is a high-performance, water-based intumescent fire-resistive material, or IFRM, for architecturally exposed structural steel in interior and exterior applications with approved top coats. This product has been tested for a wide range of beam sizes and ratings and offers key aesthetic and productivity gains to the contractor and installer including:


    * Glass fiber-free formulation
   * Reduced need for post-process sanding
   * Decreased total application cost


Why is it needed?

In a fire it is critical that the structural frame of the building is protected correctly so that the materials do not reach their critical failure temperature, potentially causing the building to collapse. Intumescent paint not only prevents this from happening, but it slows down the spread of a fire, giving more time to evacuate buildings safely and thus potentially saving lives.


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Spray applied acoustical insulation provides thermal and acoustical ratings typically used in commercial construction on exposed ceilings and walls. Sprayed acoustical insulation doesn't require framing saving time & money and can be applied to almost any surface and has an attractive textured appearance. It reduces excessive noise and is a perfect solution for noisy environments.


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